Hi! I'm glad you found my little webring! So, you like the Samurai Troopers a.k.a. Ronin Warriors? Like them enough to have a web page? Like them SO much, that you'll join a webring? Like, perhaps maybe I hope, this one, the Oh! Those Shonen Ronin! webring? Yes? Oh goody!! As you can probably guess from the name of the ring, this is devoted to the bishonen superheroes of Ronin Warriors. If you're a girl with a Ronin Warriors page, I think this'd be a good ring to join. If you're a guy, you may not want to-NOT THAT I'M STOPPING YOU!! JOIN JOIN!! EVERYONE JOIN!! *Ahem* The only requirements are:

    Well,  that last one isn't really a requirement, but I think it helps.

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